Gullivers Travels 2: Travel Documents

Baaaah, hello!

My naaaaame is Gulliver. I come from Ontaaaaario, Caaaaanada, and I am on a journey aaaall around the world to meeeeeeet sheepy frieeeends.

Baaton was so sweet and let me baaah to ewe about my neeeew things:

I have a Traaavelcaaard now. Quite literally.

See, It’ s a caaaard I will be traaavelling in. It holds my paaassport, too 🙂

It fits nicely into an averaaaage size envelope, and the other sheep here say it’s really traaaaaaaaavelling in style 🙂

my travelcard

Ewe see, eeeeeveryone I visit caaaaan write their naaaame, the naaaaame of the plaaaaace where they live and the daaaaate when I arrived  into my paaaaassport, and I fit snuggly into the baaaaasket on the other side  🙂

I like flying in my basket

on the front the caaaaard has a lot of blaaaaank spaaaaace. Here my friends can draaaaaw a ‘travel sticker’  of their home  so everyone caaaaan see where I already have beeeeeeen on my journey.

so much more to see!

I am veeeery haaaappy about my new things aaaand I hope ewes like them too.

have a haaaappy time everyone aaaand I send a special heeeeello to my Maaaa and Baaaa and my friend CHOP in Baaaaancroft, Ontario! *waves hooffs*



About Rockkitteh

Hi! I am Rockkitteh. I have two blogs, one for me and one for my Nici Sheep, Baaton. I blog about things that interest me, and Baaton baahs about everything sheep ;) View all posts by Rockkitteh

3 responses to “Gullivers Travels 2: Travel Documents

  • Raquel

    I love the idea of Gulliver “The Traveller”, I think he’s going to have a good time with you 🙂

  • June

    Oh Gulliver I am so impressed that ewe got to write on the blog. It also looks like ewe will now be travelling first class everywhere. All the flock here at home are very proud of ewe and I am so delighted ewe are having such a gooood time in Germany… CHOP 🙂

  • Leona Löwenherz and Ute

    Oh Gulliver – what a wonderful traaaavelcaaaard. Your journey becomes more and more perfect. Wish you all the best on your way around the world. Greetings from Ute

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